Test Your Korean Level with Talk To Me In Korean Workbooks
What is your current Korean level? We offer 10 levels of Korean lessons in our Essential Korean Curriculum at Talk To Me In Korean. In the following video, we give you two questions each out of our 10 workbooks. Watch the video to see how many of them you can answer correctly!

What is your current Korean level?
We offer 10 levels of Korean lessons in our Essential Korean Curriculum at Talk To Me In Korean. In the following video, we give you two questions each out of our 10 workbooks. Watch the video to see how many of them you can answer correctly!
Grab a pen and paper, and write down your answers as you watch the video.
After you try answering all the questions, check the correct answers by scrolling further down. Even if you find some of the questions challenging, we highly recommend that you keep going and try solving each quiz until the very end!
Scroll down for the correct answers! ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
Answer Key
Q1 (Level 1)

Answer: 없어요
a. Do you have a bag?
b. No. I don’t have a bag.
Q2 (Level 1)

Answer: 에
Where do you want to go?
Q3 (Level 2)

Answer: c. 서울에서 부산까지
Q4 (Level 2)

Answer: 오늘 공부해야 돼요. / 오늘 공부해야 해요.
Q5 (Level 3)

Answer: 케이크를 사서 친구한테 줄 거예요.
I will buy a cake and give it to my friend.
Q6 (Level 3)

Answer: 나 강남에서 친구 만날 거야.
I will meet a friend in Gangnam.
Q7 (Level 4)

네. 사진 찍어도 돼요.
아니요. 사진 찍으면 안 돼요.
Yes, you can take a picture.
No, you can’t take a picture.
Q8 (Level 4)

Answer: 숙제 다 하고 왔어요.
I finished all my homework and came here.

Answer: d. 이거 보실 거예요?
Will you see/watch this?
Q10 (Level 5)

Answer: 용호 씨가 다음에 다시 올 거라고 했어요.
Yong-ho said that he would come again next time.